Blockchain System to be Used For Delivery in the Retail Industry

Blockchain technology is gradually growing but yet to revolutionize the retail industry. The good news is that it has at least started imprinting its picture amongst retailers. Wholesalers and retailer have begun embracing the advancements of blockchain technology and applying the same in their retail operations.

Supply chain:
Blockchain technology has potential to streamline the supply chain process of retailers which is done by shipment tracking at every stage giving you up-to-the-minute information on location, date, time, delivery person, the condition of the product and so on.  This will enable the retailer to monitor products’ shipment and also help find the lost shipments if any.

Blockchain-based exchanges will create a platform for distributors to buy or sell from one another as it will have one shared ledger, the blockchain network.

Customer Profiling:
To understand the purchasing patterns of your customers, gaining data through one-on-one surveys can be difficult especially if your end user is not easily reachable or it’s huge. Blockchain technology makes it possible to accumulate information regarding consumer purchase patterns, trends, choice, and preferences or the factors influencing their purchase decisions.

This further can be utilized to draft promotional action plans as per the type of demand for your product. You can market the product in a way that every region would have specification as per the requirements of that section.

The advanced technology in the blockchain section can also be used for warehousing systems as the records are static while several analytics tools can be functionalized using it.

The questions concerning manipulation or frauds can be resolved as the technology is a decentralized distributed database system that helps maintain clearness in every transaction made. It can help mitigate problems relating to the payment patterns on a real-time basis. It also allows customized retail prices for loyal customers. Retailers can promote the suitable payment modes by offering discounts and reward points if needed.

The initial steps to be taken for applying blockchain technology in the retail industry:

Educating retailers:
One may not need to understand the ins and outs of blockchain technology to use it but being aware of how it is beneficial for your business and the capabilities which can be applied to employ the strategies is one the essential factors that a retailer has to comprehend.

Learning Blockchain strategy:
Making blockchain strategies is a bit different than the regular formulation of business strategies. However, once you get your hand on the advancement, it makes the whole process smoother and better.

Being comfortable with collaborative efforts

Blockchain technology undoubtedly helps make the internal process efficient, but the major impact it creates on the business is through collaborative efforts. Developing monetization approaches, accepting the shared data model and establishing well-connectivity with your partners boost the efficacy of applied blockchain technology.

Although blockchain technology is gradually emerging and welcoming new opportunities for retail industry, it cannot be applied solely to the retail market. The advancement is rather suitable for what they call ‘omnichannel’ businesses wherein retailers or wholesalers are open to adopting changes to digital ledger systems.

Get technology market research reports, to know more about blockchain technology market,

Blockchain Technology Market Size Study, and Regional Forecasts 2017-2025
Global Cryptocurrency and blockchain Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025
Global Blockchain Market, 2012 2022

JSB Market Research


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