AHA/WRI - Atlanta Civic Center Redevelopment Georgia | Construction Project Profile


"AHA/WRI Atlanta Civic Center Redevelopment Georgia - Project Profile" contains information on the scope of the project including project overview and location. The profile also details project ownership and funding, gives a full project description, as well as information on contracts, tendering and key project contacts.


Atlanta Housing Authority (AHA) in partnership with Weingarten Realty Investors (WRI) is planning to build a mixed-use community in Atlanta, Georgia, the US.

The project involves the construction of a mixed-use community with around 920 housing units on 8ha of land and will be developed in phases. It includes the construction of 270,000m2 of office space, 130,000m2 of retail space, a 5,574m2 grocery store, 250 low income units, 386 apartments, 20 townhomes, a wine bar and restaurants, parking and related facilities, and the development of a park and water fountains.
  • On October 16, 2014, the City of Atlanta (CoA) issued a request for proposals (RFP) to sell the Atlanta Civic Center with a submission deadline on December 10, 2014.
  • WRI entered into an agreement with CoA to acquire the project site for US$30 million on September 17, 2015.
  • On October 13, 2015, WRI unveiled the project plans.
  • In January 2016, permits were issued for demolition and site work of the project.
  • In October 2016, WRI agreement with CoA to acquire the project site was abonded by the Atlanta Mayor.
  • In November 2017, AHA acquired the project site for US$31 million in partnership with WRI.
  • Subject to commencement of construction, is expected to be complete in two years.


The project involves the construction of a mixed-use community on 18ha of land in Atlanta, Georgia, the US.

The US$300 million project includes the following:

1. Construction of 270,000m2 of office space

2. Construction of 130,000m2 of retail space

3. Construction of a 5,574m2 grocery store

4. Construction of 250 low income units

5. Construction of 386 apartments 

6. Construction of 20 townhomes

7. Construction of an amphitheatre

8. Construction of a wine bar and restaurants

9. Construction of parking facilities

10. Construction of related facilities

11. Development of a park and water fountains

Reasons to Buy
-> Gain insight into the project.
-> Monitor the latest project developments.
-> Identify key project contacts.

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