Synopsis "MHA Neil Road Mixed-Use Complex Singapore - Project Profile" contains information on the scope of the project including project overview and location. The profile also details project ownership and funding, gives a full project description, as well as information on contracts, tendering and key project contacts. Summary The Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore (MHA) plans to construct a mixed-use complex in Singapore. The project involves the construction of two high-rise blocks with link bridges, on 91,000m2 of land. It includes commercial spaces, office space and institutional space and the conservation and incorporation of the former St Matthews Church and Kindergarten and the installation of elevators, electrical systems, safety and security systems. On October 18, 2016, Ground Instrumentation & Engineering Pte Ltd (GIE) was appointed to undertake the soil and structural investigation work. On February 9, 2017, Tritech Consu...
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